Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Filipe's Unit rate and rate problems


Jonny is selling apples. There is 7 apples per bag. If Jonny buys 3 bags, how many apples does he have?

Jimmy is ordering pizza. If he orders 20 pizzas, how many people would be at the party??

Josh is going on a road trip. For every 400 penguins he sees, he's driven 20 miles. How many Penguins would Josh see if he drove a mile?

John is on vacation for 8 days. For those 8 days, he has written 51 postcards. How many postcards would John right if he was on vacation for only a day?


  1. John is on vacation for 8 days. For those 8 days, he has written 51 postcards. How many postcards would John right if he was on vacation for only a day?

    John would write 6.375 postcards a day.

    John is on vacation for 12 days. For those 12 days, he has written 84 postcards. How many postcards would John right if he was on vacation for only a day?

  2. Jonny is selling apples. There is 7 apples per bag. If jonny buys 3 bags, how many apples does he have?
    Jonny will have 21 apples.

    Jonny is selling apples. There is 13 apples per bag. If jonny buys 6 bags, how many apples does he have?

  3. Thank you Taylor for commenting on my blog.
    The answer to your question is 78 apples per 13 bags.

  4. Thanks for commenting on my blog Kyla.
    The answer to your question is 7.


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